Welcome to MondoXChange™

Launched on 1 December 2023, MondoXChange™ was created by the team of findacrew.net (the World's largest international online Boat & Crew network) to XChange your World™ with HostXChangers or HelpXChangers on land.

Why MondoXChange™

MondoXChange™ is a global online portal to eXChange your world, your culture, your time, your home, and your hospitality – not just a couch or a room.

The power of MondoXChange™ is in our custom in-house built search and matching engine like no other and its unique 'out of the box' navigation design.

There is no need to go backwards and forwards, or open profiles in new tabs to quickly move between listings.

Where is MondoXChange™

MondoXChange™ is based in Australia.

Who is MondoXChange™

MondoXChange™ is incorporated as a proprietary limited company in Australia and funded by a private investor.

As MondoXChange™ grows, we will use equity crowdfunding to allow members of the public and members of MondoXChange™ to join as early investors.

It is important to the team that we are upfront and transparent about the growth strategy of MondoXChange™. We don't use volunteers or free goodwill to then pass this on to venture capital investors without a return to those who contributed to the growth at the very early stage.

What does it cost to use MondoXChange™

MondoXChange™ is always free for anyone, anytime, anywhere, to register, list, search, match, and wave (checking mutual interest) forever without any ads.

Any HostXChanger or HelpXChanger has the option of upgrading to Premium, which will put them in control of who can exchange chats (personal messages) with them. Nobody is ever forced or requested to upgrade to Premium at any stage, that's a personal choice for each XChanger.

MondoXChange™ is a registered business of MXC One Pty Ltd, ABN 62 651 566 933, Australia